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promoter team comprising a marketing events manager and 2 top doctors in speciality medicare Scope Business Plan / Structure, phasing including go-to-market leading to funding Engagement & Results, VentureBean engaged extensively as below : Part A : Structuring the Business + Building the Business Growth Plan
  • Possible business verticals / LOBs (Lines of Business), based on market landscape / potential
  • Business projections for 5 years
  • Revenue Model – including Product & Service offerings, customer targeting & acquisition, roll out strategy and timeline for phasing / scale-up, creating USP / differentiators
  • Cost structures (incl. Organisation Structure / Team required, Technology, Branding / Marketing – online and offline etc – for push & pull)
  • Financial modelling – including P&L, BS, CF
  • Risks identification, quantification and mitigation measuresTAM (total addressable market) / Competitive landscape
  • Valuation, shareholding and dilution strategy
  • Also included conservative and optimistic / aggressive scenarios based on
  • Business phasing as above
  • Own / external funding
VentureBean value-add has been in the following areas :
  • Revenue growth : 25% month-on-month – currently @ 90,000 footfalls on website
  • Increased lines of revenue generation including
  • Wholesale – Targeting Small Retailers with purchasing power but no accessibility to procure specialty / imported products
  • Additional channels – Multi-level-marketing – women’s group as hyper-local sales force
  • Affiliates / collaborations – e.g.,
  • Happy Roar – Have tied up to serve up complete kitchen segment.
  • 49to499 – Kitchen Segment fulfilled by
  • MebelKart
  • Lines of Business (LOBs) increased to include appliances, services
  • Optimized cost of customer acquisition – Focused customer segmentation / targeting – based on analytics of profile / buying behavior – to optimize campaign management and phased Geographical expansion
  • Financial Management
  • Focus on staying cash positive
  • Inventory management process optimized to bring in improved turns @ lower cost; hub & spoke / direct delivery model preferred over stock & sell.
  • Financial governance and capital structuring
  Part B : Fund Raising (on best-efforts basis) : VentureBean worked on the Information Memorandum to facilitate syndication drive, and assisted with in raising Capital – pre-Series A thru :
  • Support in identifying the right category of Investor and taking the proposal to them for raising capital
  • Partner in discussions / meetings with interested investors and negotiations of the term sheet.
  • Timing of the funds infusion, structuring and governance for utilisation
Firm has secured funding of $ 0.5 M which should see them scale comfortably for a period of 18 months.